doctor maura
OSTEOPATH pelvis woman, mother, child and for all, yoga
Born in 1984
November 2008 Degree in Obstetrics at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Brescia, obtaining the title of Doctor of Obstetrics
- Willy Pasini's aispa clinical sexology school at the San Borromeo hospital in Milan;
- Neonatal massage course in Milan;
-Course to accompany the birth in water with the use of Paola Citterio's music therapy in Brescia;
- Conducting, movement and visualization methodology course for the birth accompaniment courses at the Mipa Study Center;
- “Lived perineum” course on pelvic floor education / re-education at the Mipa Study Center;
- National theoretical-practical course "The rehabilitation of the female pelvic floor" in Seriate
- "EU PELVIS" pelvic floor rehabilitation school in Milan
-Course of "Physiological pregnancy assistance" in Siena
-Course "Pilates as a perineal rehabilitation technique and osteopathic diagnostic and rehabilitative techniques" in Rome,
-Acupressure course to promote a natural birth and pregnancy Loredana Zordan and Debra Betts in Rome
- Refresher course "Pelvic floor dysfunctions: from diagnosis to treatment strategies" Filippo Murina at Buzzi in Milan
-Congress of updating "Female genital physiopathology" in Trento
- Refresher course "Current vulvar pathology and problems" Filippo Murina and Graziottin at the Buzzi in Milan
- Ultrasound course for midwives at the National Medicine Academy in Genoa
-Course of "Pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and complementary therapies"
-Course "Clinical evaluation of the pelvic floor"
-Vulvodynia: new therapeutic approach from the SICT microbiota in Milan
-2018 Course "Vulvo-perineal pathology" at the Mangiagalli Clinic in Milan
-2018 Course "Osteopathy in Obstetrics: therapeutic indications in pregnancy, puerperium and early childhood" with Veronica Lorenzin
-2019 "Course Pelvic floor, perineum and sexual well-being of women" Dr. Bernorio Fory & med Milan
-2019 "PNEI PsicoNeuroEndocrinoImmunologia" with Prof. Bottaccioli, dott. Nicola Barsotti and Dr. Giulia Bottaccioli
-2019 "The fluids in the human body from the dynamics of the headache fluid to the concept of interstitium" by Willard, at the Advanced Osteopathy Institute in Milan
-2019 theoretical-practical training in active cell therapy (tecar)
-2020 course "the management of the newborn in the first days of life"
-2020 course "crying in newborns and children"
-2020 "microbiome and immune system" course
-2020 course "Acupuncture: JEAN MARC KESPI and other integrated visions"
I have participated and participate in numerous conferences and congresses on various topics
And in continuous training ...
From October 2015 to September 2021 6-year part-time osteopathy course (Roi program) first 5 years at TCIO Milan and the 6th year at part-time osteopathy course Davide Lucchi DO
September 2021- December 2022 Pediatric Osteopathy Master at FOB Brescia
KAVAALAYA course to become certified yoga teacher 200 RYS YOGA ALLIACE (providing a solid foundation for teaching with lessons in history of yoga, philosophy of yoga, anatomy of yoga, meditation, yoga styles, ayurveda, use of breath, practice) . I have been practicing regularly since 2015.
Clinical practice (about 2500 h) in the various departments and outpatient clinics in the obstetric-gynecological and neonatal field, carrying out all the activities established by European legislation, in various hospitals such as the Spedali Civili Hospital of Brescia, the Poliambulanza Institute Hospital Foundation, the Hospital Company of Desenzano garrison of Manerbio, Clinical Institute of the City of Brescia; and at the ASL of Roncadelle.
In 2008 experience in a doctor's office of associated gynecologists;
Until May 2010 I worked at the Poliambulanza Hospital Institute Foundation, in the departments: nursery, delivery room, obstetrics and gynecology. From where I then resigned to work as a freelancer.
From May 2010 to October 2011 I worked as a freelancer in some clinical analysis laboratories where I performed pap tests, swabs and blood samples.
From October 2010 to now I have been offering various services in the obstetrics, gynecology and neonatal fields at specialized medical outpatient clinics in Brescia as a freelancer;
From October 2011 to now I have been working as a freelance professional at the Requestedei Hospital and Rest Home Foundation in Gussago.
In June 2012 I taught at the School of Osteopaths on the subject of the pelvic floor
Since September 2012 I have been conducting courses for women, couples and babies and I perform home visits on request
From October 2019 to June 2020 I was a professor of medical sciences and cosmetology at a professional institute in Brescia
Since October 2021 I have been working as an Osteopath specializing in pelvic dysfunctions, mother and child and for the rest of the family, therefore also male patients.
And other collaborations with centers and / or professionals
In September 2011 I was part of the home network of SOS BIMBI professionals of the Bresciabimbi association
I wrote for the "Mamma Fit" portal in Milan
I edited the column "L'Ostetrica Answers" of Bresciabimbi, a portal dedicated to all activities for mothers and children in the Municipality of Brescia, answering women's questions and publishing articles in the obstetrics, gynecology and neonatal fields
I participated in the "SOS Sportello Amico" project by answering the questions of adolescents on issues of affectivity and sexuality through a service sponsored by the Municipality of Brescia
I wrote for the "babybs" portal in Brescia, answering women's questions and publishing articles in the obstetrics, gynecology and neonatal fields